zaterdag 30 maart 2013

Vrolijk pasen!

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Deze tags heb ik gemaakt voor de challenge op het forum van Creatijd
De tag en kuiken stempels zijn van Waltzing mouse en de letter stempels zijn van Lawn Fawn

Bedankt voor je bezoekje aan mijn blog :)

Fijne paasdagen!
xx Tamara  

zaterdag 9 maart 2013

"Welcome home Lily" Bloghop

Welcome to the secret "welcome home Lily" bloghop!!
My sweet friend Laurel gave birth to a little baby girl 
Her name is Lily, she was born to early and has spent some time in the NICU
Now she's home with her parents and brother
And because Laurel is so special to us, 
we organized this special blog hop for her and her baby girl Lily :)

You should have come to me by way of Melissa Shea 
Now head on to Vera's blog to see what she has made for Laurel

If you've gotten off track, don't worry! Head on to Chrissie Tobas' blog 
to see the complete list of designers!

Thanks for visiting my blog 
Have a nice day! 
xx Tamara 